The First Post

Some of the videos available on our Youtube channel

The first blog post is always the hardest to write.  You know you haven’t really got an audience yet but you need to imagine that someone is reading. It was a bit like that when we made our first Like Maria video and you can see from our very early test video (not available online, thank goodness!) that we were nervous, unsure of what content to include and unaware of how these things would look on screen.  We have learnt a lot since then and our videos have become shorter, more focused and well liked, if our feedback on Youtube is to be believed.

We intend to use this blog as a way to complement our videos and expand on some of the information, suggesting different ideas to follow up. We’ll also post about interesting things happening in the world of English and Media and hope that this will grow into a discussion with our followers.

Anyway, a first blog probably shouldn’t be too long, so until next time…


PS Our test video was on Song by George Szirtes.  If you think it might still be useful to see something on that poem or have any other requests, let us know!